

We believe that all members of the school community have rights and responsibilities. Everyone at Compton Dundon school is important and is to be valued.

We expect each individual to respect other individuals, their families, their culture and beliefs.

We aim to be courteous and fair in our dealings with each other and the children.

As such Compton Dundon school adheres to a strict admission requirement/procedure in order to ensure that the community remains positive, productive and safe.


Once a referral has been received from an LA, the information will be read by the Head Teacher.

Compton Dundon school will work in partnership with local authorities and parents /carers to assess the suitability of students for a place at the school.

The school strongly believes in finding the right school for the individual (and vice-versa) and within all communications will be honest with parents and the local authority in relation to this.

The school will take referrals and organise admissions assessments at any point in an academic year. Intake is not restricted to September only.

Compatibility Checks

Upon receipt of the initial referral documents a compatibility check will take place which will determine whether the pupil is suited to the school, the potential tutor group as well as the work and therapy that is delivered. If the key individuals agree that the initial information deems a pupil to be suitable, then the social worker and/or carer will be invited for a tour of the school.

If from the paperwork it is clear that the student would be suitable for the school, then the school will invite parents and/or social workers in for an admissions meeting and tour. If it is not clear from the paperwork whether the school would be suitable then a designated member of staff will arrange to observe the student in either their current school or in the home setting (where an initial assessment would be made). The parents / carers and the child will then be invited in for a tour of the school and presentation about the provision.

Pupil Tour

Following the social worker/parent tour, if all parties are in agreement, the pupil in question will be invited for a tour of the school.

Whilst on the tour key questions and behavioural traits will be subtly assessed, monitored, recorded and analysed post-visit to add further clarity and evidence as to the suitability of the admission.

Taster Sessions

Following the pupil tour if all parties (including the pupil) agree then a half or full day experience/taster session may be arranged whereby the pupil in question will have a chance to experience some time within his class group completing timetabled sessions.

This will give the pupil a chance to talk about themselves and their schooling as well as gain some experience of the expectations of the school day. It will also enable the school/staff to begin to assess how they respond to their environment and peers.

Placement Offer

Following the agreement of funding, in most cases the Head Teacher will be able to make a decision over the following few days. The school acknowledges that parents have often been through lengthy processes in the past and in recognition of this, the school will aim to advise parents of the outcome as quickly as possible. However, in a small number of cases, if the decision is uncertain then rather than make the wrong decision it may be more appropriate to delay a decision whilst more information can be obtained and/or school / home visits are carried out.

If Compton Dundon school is able to meet the child’s special educational needs, an offer of a place and a start date will be sent to the LA and parent/carer.

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